Our Mediator
Experienced, efficient, and honest, Cacee Counter has become a reputable and well-known Mediator in Georgian Bay, London, Chatham-Kent, Windsor and the GTA. As an Accredited family mediator , Child Protection mediator, and Qualified Mediator, Cacee has a high level of experience in navigating sensitive topics and emotionally charged situations between families, as well as preparing agreements, and reports relating to family conflict. Cacee has expertise in parenting plans, managing domestically abusive situations and dividing assets and debts between separating partners, which can ease the already difficult circumstance separation ensues.
Cacee has been in private practice as a mediator since 2016. Since working at ADR Chambers as a case manager, she earned her Qualified Mediators Certificate. At that time Cacee started mediating Small Claims and Civil matters on a full time basis. Cacee expanded her mediation practice to include comprehensive family mediation. As an Accredited family mediator, Cacee holds both her AccFM and CPMed with OAFM. She has completed extensive ADR training, including Domestic Violence, Family Law training and has completed internships with family mediators, and adjudicators affiliated with professional negligence/malpractice, and personal injury,